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    Prior to 2019
    Multiple members of SAESK8 and the wider PEV community ask members of parliament why our devices are not legal. John Bolton does the most representing our group’s interests and keeping the conversation alive between lawmakers.

    2019 – 2021
    Sent multiple emails and letters to Transport Minister of Liberal Steven Marshall State Government – response was a copy and paste rehash of the current laws with no plans for the future. No action taken.

    The National Transport Commission make an amendment to the Australian Road Rules to include privately owned devices. Recommendations are made to each state to form their own legislation based on the NTC framework.

    Jan 2022
    Reached out to opposition Labor party, Greens, and Independent ministers for their position on the issue of PEVs being legalised in public – used registered mailers to ensure with certainty that ALL members of parliament and ALL election candidates receive this communication.
    Labor party agreed to consult with the public on the issue if elected to government.
    Greens party agreed to legalise under the provision they are operated safely.
    Independents chose not to respond, or responded with “no comment at this time”.

    Feb – March 2022
    Canvassed with flyers and information days informing the public that the issue exists, and that the opposition Labor party and Greens would support issue better than current government. Advised the public to vote for a change of government.

    March 2022
    Liberal Steven Marshall State Government voted out and replaced by Labor majority Peter Malinauskas State Government. Greens won no seats in lower house, but Robert Simms MLC retained his position in upper house.
    We embarked upon six month endeavour to get as many signatures as possible in support of the legalisation of PEVs in public. Weekends spent in shopping malls across the city, mostly Rundle Mall, petitioning the public.

    April 2022
    We hold our inaugural Public Safety and Training day at Tonsley Innovation District. Liberal Opposition Leader David Speirs MP attends and shares his positive stance for environmental solutions in e-mobility.

    June 2022
    Select Committee of the Legislative Council established to inquire into and report on Public and Active Transport in South Australia – committee formed by Greens member Robert Simms MLC.

    August 2022
    Met with Labor Police Minister Joe Szakacs MP to submit our 600+ signature written petition to be presented in Parliament.
    Electric Riders Australia joins us on the ground in SA to provide assistance liaising with the opposition Liberal party.
    Petition formally accepted into Parliament.

    October 2022
    John Bolton and I made speeches at meeting with Committee for Public and Active Transport. Our written submissions are also added to the findings of the committee.

    January 2023
    We held another Public Safety and Training day, this time attended by Police Minister Joe Szakacs MP. He expressed his support for the safe operation of e-mobility devices in public, and his hopes for new legislation in the near future.
    We appeared on TV news networks with Opposition Leader David Speirs and Shadow Transport Minister Vincent Tarzia. Liberal party announces they will submit a new amendment bill / legislation to Parliament in support of privately owned PEVs. Stories are aired on 7, 9, 10 and ABC news.

    February 2023
    Committee for Public and Active Transport release their report in favour of the legalisation of privately owned e-scooters and other e-mobility devices in public spaces, in line with other state jurisdictions.
    The Liberal party Opposition amendment bill is voted down by the sitting Labor government, citing issues with incompleteness, safety and insurance. We reach out to the government, asking them to submit their own legislation, which the opposition party will now support.

    April – May 2023
    The Labor state government begin a new consultation period on e-mobility on the YourSAy website. We provide flyers and information to the public again, asking for support in legalising privately owned PEVs in public. Consultation period ends in May.

    June 2023
    I submitted a Freedom of Information request to the Department of Infrastructure and Transport to release the results of the YourSAy consultation. The FOI request goes unanswered.
    We hold another Public Safety and Training day, this time attended by Labor member for Elder, Nadia Clancy MP, and also by Liberal member for Hartley and Shadow Transport Minister Vincent Tarzia. Both members assure us that their party has heard our frequent complaints and will support us moving forward.

    July – August 2023
    We met with Shadow Transport Minister Vincent Tarzia and TV news networks again to call out the sitting Labor government on their inaction thus far. Stories are aired on 7, 9, 10 and ABC news.
    After following up on the FOI request on several occasions, it appeared as though progress stalled. I submitted a complaint to Ombudsman SA, as all deadlines in regards to the FOI request have been missed by the government.

    September 2023
    Transport Minister Tom Koutsantonis reaches out to acknowledge our inquiry into the consultation – he advises that an update from the government is to be expected in the coming months.

    October 2023
    Some rental PEVs and e-scooters removed from esplanade track in anticipation of new legislation in the coming months. Charles Sturt council reconsiders rental scheme.

    November 2023
    Ombudsman SA responds to complaint regarding ignored FOI request – suggests resubmitting a new FOI request.

    December 2023
    State government released statistics and feedback from the YourSAy consultation – results are positive and in favour of legalisation.

    February 2024
    News announced that amendment to SA road rules may be deferred to 2025 and that the Adelaide City Council intends to extend the rental e-scooter/PEV scheme for another 12 months.

    May 2024
    After a teenager was arrested for riding an escooter in public, Transport Minister Tom Koutsantonis goes on ABC breakfast radio to clarify that new PEV law amendments will be presented to Parliament in either June or July of this year.

    • This topic was modified 7 months, 4 weeks ago by saesk8_admin.
    • This topic was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by saesk8_admin.
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